Feedwater is driven into the Reverse Osmosis system by a high-pressure pump. The pressure drives water through a semi-permeable membrane, forcing contaminants and other inorganic substances to be separated from the water.


The rejection rate of this process can be as high as 99% of dissolved contaminants. For example; if the feed water source had a conductivity of 500µS/cm, you would expect the permeate (product) stream to have a conductivity of ~5µS/cm.


The pure water that passes through the RO membrane is called permeate, and the water that carries the contaminants is called reject, or concentrate.


This separation process allows water to be filtered into its purest form, to leave a water product that is free from organic bacteria, colloids, dissolved ions and pyrogens.


How Does RO Affect Your Business?


Reverse Osmosis will benefit your business by providing a consistent supply of pure water for various processes.


As water is a primary resource in many manufacturing processes, Reverse Osmosis will eliminate the risk of contaminants that may cause essential equipment to be damaged.


Should your business run the risk of contaminated water, this can dramatically affect the businesses ability to function.


For example; equipment may become damaged due to a build-up of scale, resulting in costly downtime of machinery.


A review by Deloitte revealed that over half of 185 global companies in water-related sectors have experienced negative impacts from water-related challenges in the past five years, which goes to show that above any sector in the world, the water industry is business critical.


From our experience of working closely with businesses who rely on water, we know that water management is a priority.


If the water is in any way contaminated or even reduced, it can mean the closure of the business which can cost thousands or millions of pounds from one day alone.


The reputational repercussions can also occur if the public are made aware of any water issues, causing not only costly fines but also a negative effect on the company’s brand reputation.

What Is RO Water Used for?


Reverse Osmosis water is utilised in a number of manufacturing processes and sterile services. This can be in the production of food and beverages, engineering, automotive and healthcare.


The benefits of RO filtered water can ensure that no contaminants can enter the food or drink during the cleaning process, or in the production itself.


For engineering and manufacturing, water is an essential component used not only for cleaning purposes, but is often used within the machinery itself.


If contaminated water were to be used, it would deteriorate the machinery and cause irreversible damage.

Economical Benefits


When your business relies heavily on high quantities of water, reducing the cost can be a major area of concern. Especially when it comes to the amount of water wasted.


However, one of the many benefits of the Reverse Osmosis system is the fact that the filtration process can help to dramatically reduce waste water/effluent when managed efficiently.


Water savings can always be achieved, no matter your industry, through a combination of keeping your system regularly serviced and ensuring parts, consumables and equipment is replaced when any issues occur.


It is essential to optimise water use in any industry, as this can not only reduce your costings but can also help in achieving the maximum use out of the input water.


To find out more about the process and how we can help visit our Reverse Osmosis page.​

What is Reverse Osmosis?

Reverse Osmosis is a membrane water purification technology that removes ions, molecules, larger particles and contaminants by forcing water through a semi-permeable membrane. To give clear guidance on this process, this article will explain the basics of Reverse Osmosis and leave you with the knowledge of its applications. The Science

The benefits of using RO for boiler feed water

This inadequate maintenance of boilers and hot water systems can bring high costs, particularly in terms of increased power consumption, repairs and downtime. Therefore, in this article we explain why treating boiler feed water using RO (Reverse Osmosis) can significantly reduce the costs incurred by poorly maintained systems, and discuss the number of benefits in the use of RO permeate. Reduction in fuel costs If a boiler is not working to it’s full capacity more energy is required for the boiler to meet its operational use. This cost is incurred due to a build-up of scale within the boiler, causing damage such as cracked tubes, or on high pressure boilers and turbine blade erosion. As RO removes contaminants that lead to scaling, the introduction of RO permeate can help by reducing the dissolved solids that create scale. Improving the efficiency of the boiler, increasing its ability to work at full capacity and reducing energy costs. In some cases, we have seen a 4.3% reduction in boiler fuel costs due to the use of RO. Reduction In Blow-Down (waste water) Boiler blow-down is water that is intentionally sent to drain to maintain low TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) content in the boiler water. This avoids TDS carrying over into the evaporated steam, minimising scale and other specific problems. High quantities of blow-down is a common problem among boiler systems that have a high volume of suspended solids present in the feed water, causing increased costs in water use. By utilising RO for the boiler feed water, blow-down can be reduced, and enable costs to be saved in the amount of water wasted by the company. Reduction In Chemical Usage The use of RO in feed water dramatically reduces chemical costs due to the reduced blow-down and increased boiler cycles. There are many proven cases where chemical treatment costs have been reduced by 60%. Although Reverse Osmosis technology is understood by many engineers, the importance of the long term benefits is often overlooked. To fully capitalise on the benefits of Reverse Osmosis we would strongly suggest on-going support for your boiler water and chemical management with a regular service by our service engineers.


What is Reverse Osmosis?

Reverse Osmosis is a membrane water purification technology that removes ions, molecules, larger particles and contaminants by forcing water through a semi-permeable membrane.


To give clear guidance on this process, this article will explain the basics of Reverse Osmosis and leave you with the knowledge of its applications.


The Science

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